Visiting Scholar
Main Research Interests
IoT for medical applications
Medical electronics - Hardware & Systems Development
Emerging Technologies for Rehabilitation and Prevention
Latest publication....
+++++++ From the institute's news.... ++++++
(CELISCA 2022) Dr. M. F. R. Al-Okby and Prof. H. Fleischer are doing some final experimental work for the upcoming semester:
SENSORS is one of the courses to be taught in the spring semester.
As an example NOx - sensors can be used in different process scenarios - from in-line to off-line process couplings.
In the photo CELISCA's scientists are to test air samples - collected in plastic bags - off-line with a reference sensor system.
These measures are to be compared with experiments performed with self-developed IoT-based NOx-sensor nodes: This can serve as a showcase how science and technology meets university
education - from theory to practice ...
Dr. Mohammed Faeik Ruzaij Al-Okby von der Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Technical Institute of Babylon (Irak) verstärkt ab July 2021 als Gastwissenschaftler das Team des Center for Life Science Automation. Dr. Al-Okby ist ein ausgewiesener Spezialist im Bereich der Hardware- und Systementwicklung. Während seines einjährigen Gastaufenthaltes wird er auf dem Gebiet der tragbaren persönlichen Sicherheitssensorik in Life Science Laboren arbeiten. Seine Forschungsarbeiten stehen in direktem Zusammenhang mit dem ERC Projekt "Autonomous Development of Advanced Materials - ADAM". celisca heißt Herrn Dr. Al-Okby herzlich willkommen und wünscht ihm viel Erfolg für seine Forschungsarbeiten.
Dr. Mohammed Faeik Ruzaij Al-Okby from Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Technical Institute of Babylon (Iraq) will join the team at the Center for Life Science Automation as a visiting scientist from July 2021. Dr. Al-Okby is a proven specialist in the field of hardware and system development. During his one-year guest stay, he will work in the field of portable personal safety sensors in life science laboratories. His research is directly related to the ERC project "Autonomous Development of Advanced Materials - ADAM". celisca warmly welcomes Dr. Al-Okby and wishes him success in his research.
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